The most beautiful horse in the world, Akhal-Teke is an amazing creature that you almost cannot forget

All horses are amazingly charming creatures, but there is one breed with a special coat that helps it shine like no other! Meet the Akhal-Teke, an endearing species known as the “most beautiful horse in the world,” also known as the “golden horse.”

Image credits: Pascal Mouawad

Originating from Turkmenistan, Akhal-Teke is famous throughout the world thanks to its brilliant metallic shine that can reflect and refract light like metal does.

Image credits: Twitter / @ceninvoncatlien

The secret is in the proteins in their hairs, which are arranged in a special way so that they function as a prism through which light travels naturally.

Image credits: Wikipedia

The Akhal-Teke comes in a variety of different colors, including bay, black, chestnut, and gray, but their distinctive coat looks most beautiful in cream-colored ones.

Image credits: Pascal Mouawad

Despite their magical, fairy-like appearance, this incredible breed is actually impressively athletic. It is believed to be one of the oldest horse breeds that has survived countless environmental changes and still thrives today.

Image credits: Olga_i / Shutterstock

With admirably amazing endurance, the Akhal-Teke can adapt to many different habitats and is truly excellent at sports and long walks.

Image credits: Burak CALISKAN

Although this beautiful creature can be seen from time to time throughout Europe and North America, it is mainly found in its homeland, Turkmenistan. In fact, this horse is so prized there that not many locals have the audacity to export it out of the country, as such an action could lead to a tragic end.

Image credits: Unknown

At this time, there are an estimated 6,000 Akhal-Tekes in this world, making them a rare breed that the Chinese call “sky horses.”

Image credits: Palana

H/T: Kingdoms TV

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